Terms of use and privacy policy

The ClĂ­nica Agora app is owned by the company Bitforone (Nunes Suporte e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas - LTDA).

Terms of use

All data from the clinic and its patients is protected and will never be used or shared by third parties. All photos taken in the app are confidential. We are not responsible for photo leaks shared with the patient, because once shared with the patient the Even can send the share link to others.

Privacy Policy

The Clinic Now application collects identification data from the clinic as well as of your patients, data such as: name, email, telephone number, date of birth and photos of patients for before and after comparison. Those Data will not be shared with third parties or other users. We follow the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) law L13709, in force in Brazil. Link to the law https://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_ato2015-2018/2018/lei/l13709.htm